3 Products found

Gore GR Expanded PTFE Gasket Sheets - 495mm Square

Small, cut sheets of this soft, conformable type of PTFE gasket. Gore GR Gasket Sheet compresses into a durable seal. It has excellent resistance to temperature, pressure and chemicals along with class leading tensile strength and reliability.
From $252.64

Gore GR Expanded PTFE Gasket Sheets - 990mm Square

Medium sized, cut sheets of this soft, conformable type of PTFE gasket. Gore GR Gasket Sheet compresses into a durable seal. It has excellent resistance to temperature, pressure and chemicals along with class leading tensile strength and reliability.
From $843.42

As compared to any other PTFE-based gasket, this sheet exhibits superior tensile strength, greater dimensional stability, and is chemically resistant, making it suitable for use in various temperatures and pressures.

One of the main advantages of using Gore Goretex GR ePTFE Sheet is that it exhibits superior resistance to creep and cold flow, which is typically seen as a drawback in ePTFE gasket materials. This allows for greater maintenance of bolt load in operation, avoids gasket intrusion into the pipe bore, provides a larger window for blowout safety, and reduces maintenance costs associated with gasket retorque and replacement. Additionally, this material is soft and conformable, which enables it to seal irregular sealing surfaces to create a long-lasting seal.

We are pleased to offer this premium grade, depenadable and high performance gasket material in a variety of standard size sheets and thicknesses.

Custom cut parts and gaskets made from Gore GR are also available upon request. For more information on these, please do contact us