Weiconlock AN 305-67 Threaded Pipe & Flange Sealing Adhesive - 50ml Pen

SKU: SWM000408B01V0001
MPN: 30567150
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  • High Viscosity for Larger Gap Filling and Accurate Application.
  • Elevated Temperature Resistance, Up to 175°C.
  • Low Strength for Easy to Disassemble, Removable Bonds.

Weiconlock AN 305-67 Flange Sealing Adhesive is a low strength, high viscosity grade designed for sealing metal flanges, housings and connections as well as larger diameter pipes.

This grade of anaerobic adhesive is manufactured in Germany by Weicon and offers a variety of benefits. These are expanded on in the sections below:

Enhanced with PTFE for Greater Sealing.

Our Weiconlock AN 305-67 has its formula modified with PTFE to enhance the sealing effect offered. This ensures long lasting performance in a wide range of environments in which liquid gaskets are used.

Elevated Temperature Resistance.

Our Weiconlock AN 305-67will withstand continuous exposure to temperatures between -60°C and +175°C making it ideal for a wide range of equipment and applications.

High Viscosity & Larger Gap Filling Capacity.

Weiconlock AN 305-67 has a very high viscosity of 170.000 - 410.000 mPa·s (according to Brookfield at 25°C). This thick nature makes it a good choice for applying to complex flange shapes (such as compressor connections) or narrow flanges that require very accurate application.

Partly due to its’ thick nature, Weiconlock AN 305-67 is also able to cover larger gaps than many other anaerobic adhesives. It can bridge gaps up to 0.6mm. This allows it to be used on slightly worn or misaligned flanges and still seal.

Low Strength, Easy to Disassemble Joins.

Weiconlock AN 305-67 cures with low strength for bonding and sealing connections that should be easy to disassemble for frequent servicing or removal. Strength ratings are summarised further below.


Weiconlock AN 305-67 is a non-marking grade of threadlocker.

Weiconlock AN 305-67 Key Specs Overview.

Colour White
Threaded Joints Up To... M 80 / R 3“
Viscosity 170.000 - 410.000 mPa·s
Maximum Gap Bridging 0.6mm
Prevailing stregth 2 - 4 Nm
Handling Strength at Room Temperature 10 - 20 Minutes
Temperature Resistance -60°C to +175°C.

For more detailed information on this high-quality adhesive, please consult the specifications tab or the Technical Data Sheet via the Media Tab.

The Weiconlock Pen System.

One of the features of all Weiconlock Threadlockers, Flange Sealants, Retaining Adhesives and Pipe Sealers is the pen system they use for most size containers (300ml varieties are supplied in cartridges and are the one exception).

This special pen makes accurate application natural and easy. It also helps to reduce wastage as there’s less chance of spillage.

The Weicon Pen System has been used in all kinds of industries all over the world for decades and continues to be a key point of difference for these German-Made adhesives.

Common Features of All Weiconlock Anaerobic Adhesives.

WEICONLOCK® are one-component anaerobic adhesives and sealants, especially made for metal assembly parts.

The full range covers over 60 different grades designed for everything from Thread Locking, Pipe Sealing, Flange Sealing and Retaining Cylindrical Assemblies like bearings. There are special grades for potable water applications, gas lines, oxygen service and more.

No matter the grade chosen, all types of Weiconlock Adhesive have a few things in common:

Excellent Chemical Resistance.

All grades of Weiconlock Adhesives are resistant to a large variety of different chemicals, fluids and gases. Some of the more common are summarised in the table below. A more comprehensive list is also available via the Media Tab..

Media Resistance   Media Resistance
Acetic acid 80% o   Oxygen
Aromat, Solvent +   Phenol +
Brake fluid +   Propane +
Diesel, heating oil +   Seawater +
Edible oil +   Silicone oil +
Fuel oil +   Turpentine +
Glycocol, glycine +   Vinegar +
Helium +   Water (acidic) under PH 7 +
Hydrochloric acid +   Water PH 7 to 8 +
Isobutane +   Water (alk.) over PH 8 +
Kerosene +   Water, chlorinated +
Mineral oil +   Water, cooked o
Naphtha, petroleum +   Water, distilled +
Natural gas - dry +   Water, wastewater (sewage) +
Nitrogen gas +   Xylene, dimethylbenzene +

+ = Good Resistance.
o = Resistant
% = Limited Resistance.
- = Not Resistant.

Easy to Use.

In general, WEICONLOCK does not require special pre-treatment as slightly oily surfaces (e.g. on as received parts) will be tolerated.

However, best results will be achieved on cleaned, degreased parts (use WEICON Surface Cleaner). If required, the parts should be slightly roughened.

WEICONLOCK is ready for use and should be applied evenly direct from the bottle/tube with the dispensing tip (avoid direct contact of dispensing tip with metal). Apply continuous bead on one side of flange, join and tighten parts quickly.

For sealing applications (pipe fitting) apply WEICONLOCK in circular motions on the thread. Screw pipe threads together and tighten until desired orientation.

Do not pour back into the bottle any WEICONLOCK fluid which had contact with metal; even smallest metal particles will cause the content of the bottle to cure. In series construction, the use of manual or automatic applicators is recommended.

Simple to Store.

WEICONLOCK can be stored in the unopened original container for at least 24 months at room temperature. Keep away from heat sources and direct sunlight. The air in the bottle/tube keeps WEICONLOCK liquid.

Colour White
Viscosity 170.000 - 410.000 mPa·s
Maximum Gap Bridging 0.6mm
For Threaded Joints Up To... M 80 / R 3“
Breakaway strength (Thread)  3 - 5 Nm
Prevailing strength 2 - 4 Nm
Shear strength Nmm² (DIN 54452)* 6 - 8 N/mm²
Handling Strength at Room Temperature 120 - 240 Minutes
Final strength (100%) after 24 - 72 Hours
Temperature Resistance -60°C to +175°C.

*Strength values based on M 10 screws, 8.8 grade, thickness of nut 0,8.d Static shear strength based on cylindrical parts of abt. Ø 13 mm, tolerance (D-d) = 0,05 mm, l/d = 0,88 

SKU SWM000408B01
Brand Weicon

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